
Responding to a Data Subject Request

  • Trainer: Data Protection Schemes:
  • Released: 20.12.2018 01:59
  • Level: Basic
  • Duration:
  • Price: € 35.00

Data subjects have several rights under POPIA, for example, accessing their information or objecting to the processing thereof. For some requests, there are formal procedures, but there are instances where the data subject can approach any employee. This course will train staff on how to respond to a data subject request in the correct manner so as not to create legal difficulties for their employer.


The Training of Staff to Respond to a Data Subject Request Course will assist staff respond to data subject requests. The Protection of Personal Information Act gives data subjects a number of rights. For example, data subjects have the right of access to information. This gives data subjects the right to request a responsible party (an employer, a financial institution or any other entity that processes personal information), to confirm, free of charge, whether or not it holds personal information about the data subject. This is a constitutional right. It helps data subjects understand how and why a responsible party is processing their data and whether it is being done lawfully.

The timeline for responding to a data subject request (DSR) runs from the time the DSR reaches the responsible party through an official channel, and the clock may start running even if the correct person within the responsible party has not received it. Consequently, employees must be trained to recognise a data subject access request and how to respond appropriately.

Course topics: 

  • Valid receipt of a data subject request
  • Timing of response
  • Searching for personal data
  • Provision of access
  • Restrictions on the right to access
  • Unfounded or excessive requests.


At the completion of this course, employees better understand: 

  • rights of data subjects
  • various types of data subject requests
  • legal obligations relating to data subject requests
  • appropriate response
  • manner of access
  • refusal of a data subject request.


The course ends with a short quiz of ten questions. This is necessary to confirm knowledge transfer to the employee.

Once your registration is confirmed, this elearning course can be accessed via the eLearning Platform using the credentials provided to you.

Cancellation/Refund Policy

All purchases of online learning courses are final. Access to the online learning courses and materials is immediate upon purchasing; therefore no refunds or exchanges will be provided. Prices are subject to change without notice.

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This course can be taken any time after registration. 


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